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Queer Conjure
Feeling into your desires

Feeling into your desires

A guided meditation for grounding desired energy into reality (audio and transcription)

Ways you can support our work: book a tarot session with Jasper, there’s a link right here! Check out Instagram, Etsy, and TikTok. Subscribe and share our podcast- The Queer Conjure Podcast, available anywhere you listen to podcasts. Find 10% off of our favorite books from our favorite co-op, Firestorm books, through our affiliate link here! Please consider becoming a paid subscriber to our substack. If you’re feeling especially generous and grateful for our work you can tip is on venmo here with the description “split the tip”


Do you have something in your life that you yearn for, something in your body that you long to experience? Something as communal as global liberation or personal as a spa day? I want to create a space to explore those desires and wishes here and now. If you are in a space to do so, I would love to lead you through this experience in a meditative format.

I want to start with a disclaimer that meditation isn't always easy for people to access, and I know I often get frustrated with myself when I'm listening to a guided meditation and I lose track of the audio. And I want this to be an invitation to truly listen to your bodies. It's less about following what I'm saying, and more about seeing where what I'm saying lights up your body and your mind.

And I don't want this to be about shutting off your thoughts and following me. I don't think meditation should be like that, personally. I hope that I can create a space for you to observe your desires and really observe your body and how energy flows through that. So, let's start by landing in our bodies.

What is your breathing like right now?

Take a moment to observe whatever state you're in and watch how your attention changes and morphs your experience.

Can you find a rhythm in your breathing that feels natural and soothing?

I personally like to start with a deep inhale into my tummy

and slowly exhaling with lips pursed.

If it's accessible to you, you can place your right hand on your belly and maybe your left hand on your heart.

Sometimes it helps me to get into your a box rhythm.

We can start with breathing in for four seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4. Holding for 4, 2, 3, 4. 4 seconds exhaling 2, 3, 4, and four seconds holding at the end of your exhale, 2, 3, 4. . Let's try to get into your own rhythm. I'll be counting and then I'll let you take on from there, or if you find that you're drifting into a new rhythm that works better for you, maybe longer seconds, or not holding, allow whatever feels best to come up.

One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four.

Lovely. I invite you to continue with this rhythm or settle into a conscious breathing of your choice.

And as you settle into that breathing, I'd love to circle back to that yearning, to that desire. Do you have words for what you want? What does what you are desiring feel like? Where in your body does that exist?

Do you have descriptors for that sensation? Sometime to me it is like a static at the bottom of my belly or like strings being pulled at the tops of my shoulders. Maybe waves bouncing off my temples. Take a moment to bask in that sensation however it shows up for you regardless of if you have words for it.

When did this need start? What are your first memories or tastes of it? What does a sensation remind you of?

Is there something in your life that gives you glimpses of that reality?

I'd like to open the floor for you to tell me more about those. Feel free to speak them into the ether if that is available for you. Who, what, where, when do these sensations arrive?

Let's take a moment to sit with those experiences.

What comes up for me is gratitude. Is there resistance to that feeling within you?

Where does the energy want to change? Where are your needs not met?

What is the difference between what you want to experience and where you see the potential of these realities? Let's leave the logical route out of this. We can come back to that later. I want to focus on the physical sensational difference between those two realities. envision this desire and where you first experienced that taste of that sensation.

Let's go back to our breath, back to our body, and feel into those two vibrations.

I invite you to try to visualize your energy moving between the two.

However that shows up for you. Maybe it's slowly slipping from past to present to future. Like water weaving between smooth rocks.

Now landing back at this present moment.

What does your body feel now? Take a moment to bring awareness to that. Is there a place in your body that feels good now? What does good feel like for you now? Good can always be changing. Good feels different in all bodies. Let's breathe here for a while. Moving on whenever that's the way that you're headed.

Thank you for trusting me and sharing this space with me. I hope that this guidance brought whatever it needed to bring to you. And I hope that you return to this practice and do let us know what came up for you. And if you feel comfortable sharing what those desires look like, we would love to hear it in our email or in our DMs.

Have a beautiful rest of your day.

Ways you can support our work: book a tarot session with Jasper, there’s a link right here! Check out Instagram, Etsy, and TikTok. Subscribe and share our podcast- The Queer Conjure Podcast, available anywhere you listen to podcasts. Find 10% off of our favorite books from our favorite co-op, Firestorm books, through our affiliate link here! Please consider becoming a paid subscriber to our substack. If you’re feeling especially generous and grateful for our work you can tip is on venmo here with the description “split the tip”

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Queer Conjure
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Queer Conjure is building a community of queer, trans, neurodiverse and feminist witches working towards a world where we no longer need to use the word “marginalized” in order to describe ourselves or each other. We believe queer witchcraft has the power to conjure a world where all beings are free. We are conjuring the banishment of binaries, the hexing of hierarchies, the transness of tarot and the nourishment of nature.
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